What are the best hacks to save money in Singapore?

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Answers From The Community

  • D

    David Lim

    Bring a bottle of water from home when you go out. Buying drinks outside is very costly.

    3 Votes
  • Y

    Yuri Chua

    Look for the shop/restaurant on the cashback app before buying as most of the time you can buy cash voucher to use at the stalls at a cheaper price.

    3 Votes
  • S


    I shop for groceries that has membership, redeem point when it was enough. And i do NOT on the light when it was 6.30am when i went showering or brush teeth. Also, i don't ON the light when i was having dinner at night like 9pm, i make use of the TV light for light, as well as i don't ON the light at night when i was washing the plates etc. THIS IS HOW I SAVE ELECTRICAL AT HOME.... LOOK for survey pay to earn extra cash or redeem point for vouchers! TRY to walk if possible to save transport fees, as far as 1 hrs of walk.

    1 Vote
  • T


    But house brands when shopping for groceries at ntuc, cold storage and others. Their house brands often have good promotions. Can save a lot in the long run.

    1 Vote
  • J


    Take public transport instead of private ones, use promotion codes when buying things, and know your needs and only spend on what you need and not what you want.

    1 Vote
  • S


    1. Look out for discounts like supermarkets have discounts every week or discount coupons for fastfoods
    2. Eat out less. Home cook foods are healthier and cheaper
    3.. Walking for short distances than taking bus
    4. Sometimes buy in bulk can help to same a bit
    5. Valuedollar items more cheaper than supermarkets

    1 Vote
  • L

    Loy S N

    Plan use of groceries and household products in advance on a monthly basis. Keep a look out for discounts at supermarkets and buy iyltems only when there is a discount

    1 Vote
  • T


    1. Embrace a frugal lifestyle. Focus on what adds value to your life, cut back hard on things that don't, enjoy spending on things you do. Prioritising needs, delaying gratifications and eliminating/reducing wants, removing unwanted/unnecessary commitments, focus on things that get you the most value for money, sustainable, quality vs quantity. Eg. only use energy and water efficient appliances, devices/equipment. Get more with less!

    2. Know yourself, know your money! Take control of your emotions, break unhealthy spending and consumption habits, kick bad habits, learn/adopt good habits, and stay healthy. Adopt daily good habits to save money on water, electricity, food and related consumption. Eg. we cook everyday, once only for lunch/dinner, using less and more efficient cooking appliances/methods. Get more with less!

    3. Optimise and stackup discounts, rewards/offers, rebates and earn bonus linkpoints with Fairprice membership, senior privileges (3%) and credit card rebates when shopping for groceries every Wednesdays. Get more for less, eg. value for money alternatives/choices such as house brands.

    4. Optimise returns on savings in simple high interest rate bank accounts (3-5%) every month to help fund monthly cost of living. Increase earnings on side hustles/opportunities whenever it arises, such as rewards from banks (eg Paylah $3 cashback every Friday), lifestyle apps- walk for money, facebook/instagram giveaways, earn rewards from this forum, etc. Get more with less!

    5. Nature is my best friend as it provides all the free resources for us to live, work, play and stay healthy and comfortable. Walk more, enjoy the fresh air and outdoors for leisure. Enjoy natural ventilation and lights at home. Have a green garden of free edibles /vegetables, to freshen the air at home too. Get more for less!

    1 Vote
  • D


    Before purchasing groceries, be on the look out for groceries that give extra Yuu points when purchasing.

    Be in communities that encourage no food waste. Apps like "goodhood" that encourages no food or item wastage by sharing extra food or food that's not to the posters' liking.

    If snacking, keep a look out for snacks the clearance section at some Coldstorages!

    1 Vote
  • K


    If you are going to take away food, check those food delivery apps as they might have discounts for doing self pick-up.

    0 Vote
  • F

    Fei Ying

    To walk instead if using public transport if nt far and to use coupons; promotion codes when buying things. To do the 50-30-20 rule when saving

    0 Vote
  • O

    Oh Poh Tin

    Take public transports instead of private ones; eat at food courts/hawkers instead of restaurants; use a high interest savings account; know your needs and only spend on what you need and not what you want

    0 Vote
  • S


    Source for vouchers or discounts codes. Buy during promotion.

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  • V



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  • E

    Eric Teo

    Get energy efficiency appliances (4 ticks & above) and save on electricity bill in the long run

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  • E


    Don't drink bubble tea

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  • p


    For a start, really look closely where the money go every month. And then scrutinise needs and wants spendings.
    Next, decide what can be saved in necessities purchase such as groceries where discounts are available

    0 Vote
  • K


    Set a budget for every month. Look out for deals and promotions and make use of them.

    0 Vote
  • I


    1) Use the best cashback credit card like UOB Absolute card.
    2) Bring own breakfast and lunch to office.
    3) Bring own water during exercise and to office.
    4) Use mobile apps of the restaurant or kopitiam that you are visiting to earn points, which in turn and redeem for discounts.

    0 Vote
  • J


    Use credit cards with higher rebates and buy items at offer price especially online app

    0 Vote
  • N

    Nim ruk

    1.think carefully before spending, is this neccessary or unnecessary?
    2. Buy products with good quality and reasonable price....some cheap products may be toofragile and u need to rebuy it again
    3.buy things that can resell easily or have value in future such as collectibles
    4. Look out for promotion and buy only essential things.

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  • F

    Fu ruk

    Keep eyes on promotion and investment chances

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  • B


    1) using cashback apps eg. ShopBack
    2) buy vouchers from apps that give you discount

    0 Vote
  • p


    1. Buy only what you need.
    2. Buy house brands from supermarkets and use coupons to get some discounts.
    3. Patronise neighbourhood shops like value shop, selleys and compare prices before buying
    4. Take public transport like bus/MRT instead of private transportation

    0 Vote
  • D

    Daryl Ang

    Spending money on the necessities only

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  • Y


    Find out deals on platform like shopback, shoppee and sign up free memberships to save money

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  • O


    Don't take private transport

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  • C

    Chen weiliang

    Look for the correct interest rate, check the min saving requirements to hit that interest rate and you on half the way.

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  • S


    Take benefit of 1 for 1 and other good deals, promotions

    0 Vote
  • L

    Lim wee ee

    Go and buy fruits and confectionery near the end of the day to enjoy discounts.
    Also near expiry food can be a great saving too.

    0 Vote
  • Z


    Segregation of accounts in a bank. One for savings, expenses, bills, etc. And stick to that budget

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